

Contact: Candida Basilio, Democratic Services Officer

Telephone number 07895 213820


Date: 8 July 2024




A meeting of the

Climate Emergency Advisory Committee

will be held on Tuesday, 16 July 2024 at 6.00 pm


This will be a virtual, online meeting.

This meeting can be watched live from our YouTube channel:



Members of the Committee:





Hayleigh Gascoigne (Chair)

Eric De La Harpe (Vice-chair)

Kiera Bentley

Robert Clegg

Max Thompson

Scott Houghton

Sarah James











Alternative formats of this publication are available on request.  These include large print, Braille, audio, email and easy read.  For this or any other special requirements (such as access facilities) please contact the officer named on this agenda.  Please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.


Vivien Williams,

Head of Legal and Democratic (Interim)




Open to the Public including the Press



1.           Chair's announcements



To receive any announcements from the chair and general housekeeping matters.




2.           Apologies for absence



To record apologies for absence and the attendance of substitute members.




3.           Minutes of the last meeting

(Pages 4 - 10)


To review the minutes of the last meeting held on 7 December 2023. If agreed as a correct record, the chair will sign them as such.




4.           Declaration of interests



To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and non-registrable interests or any conflicts of interest in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 




5.           Urgent business



To receive notification of any matters which the chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent.




6.           Public participation



To receive any questions or statements from members of the public that have registered to speak. 




7.           Update from the Cabinet Member for climate action, nature recovery and strategic partnerships



A verbal update from the Cabinet member.











8.           Review of the Operational Net Zero Target

(Pages 11 - 23)


CEAC is asked to review the council’s progress towards the target to become a carbon neutral local authority by 2030 and provide any recommendations to Cabinet. Presented by Heather Saunders, Corporate Energy Officer.




9.           Review of the District Net Zero Target

(Pages 24 - 30)


CEAC is asked to review the interim aspirational target for reduction in carbon emissions as a district, and provide any recommendations to Cabinet.

Presented by Jessie Fieth, Senior Climate Action Officer




10.       Local Area Energy Planning

(Pages 31 - 38)


An introduction to the Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs). This will be an important area of work for the councils to support the reduction of district-wide greenhouse gas emissions.

Presented by Jessie Fieth, Senior Climate Action Officer.




11.       Understanding the Net Zero Challenge for SMEs in South and Vale

(Pages 39 - 67)


SME = Small and Medium sized Enterprises.


A presentation from Nick King (Economic Development Manager), Karen Tolley (Principal Economic Development Lead) and Sara Le Roux (Oxford Brookes)




12.       Progress on the Draft Climate and Nature Recovery Action Plan



A verbal update from Chloe Bunting, Senior Climate Action Officer.




13.       Progress of the Oxfordshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy



A verbal update from Dominic Lamb, Climate and Biodiversity Team Leader.




14.       Update from task and finish groups and future items



For committee to receive any updates on task and finish groups, and to discuss future items.

